More efficient use of space

IoT systems can improve the usage of spaces and rooms by providing real-time information about their use. Sensors collect occupancy data (information about the presence of people), which allows operators to allocate and manage space effectively. Based on occupancy data, spaces can be adapted to better meet the needs and preferences of users. By identifying underutilized spaces, building managers can take action to increase space utilization.


Better energy management

IoT solutions can control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems using real-time data and can thus enable smart energy monitoring. Using this data, forecasts can be created and analyses can be performed to determine operating costs and to identify potential savings. Building automation, such as the control of building lighting or air conditioning, can also minimize energy consumption and thus lead to cost savings.


Optimised deployment of staff

IoT solutions help to deploy staff more efficiently. For example, sensors can support building managers to manage security by monitoring movement in buildings and triggering alarms when unusual incidents occur. This reduces the need for constant manual monitoring. Digital access systems provide cost and effort savings and smart cleaning promotes the efficient use of resources.


Individual building control

IoT can enable users to set their individual preferences for comfort. Using indoor comfort management measures, building managers can improve the overall quality of the working or living environment. Building automation also makes it possible to adjust windows, blinds, and building lighting to the natural lighting conditions using IoT control. Digital advertising not only offers new marketing opportunities but can also serve as a source of information for visitors.


Centralisation of the data pool

IoT solutions enable the collection of status data on technical building equipment (TBE) from various sensors and devices, regardless of their manufacturer, type, or location. The clear and centralized presentation of this data facilitates building maintenance and servicing. Building managers can use this data to define optimisation pathways and to monitor their efficacy. A clear overview of status data supports burglary and theft prevention.